N.A.P.S.S. - Energy Auditing/Management Tool/System

Are you aware of spoon theory? It's referring to the amount of daily physical and mental energy a person has and how it might fluctuate. Some people talk about how many spoons they have left on any given day, however, I tend to just talk about energy (occasionally, 'fucks', as in how many 'fucks' you have left to give). 

Below tool is designed around growing your self-awareness around how you spend or gain energy so you can make active or conscious choices in your daily life to maintain good energy (and prevent or limit meltdowns, shutdowns and burnout) and can to some extent be used to improve your interoception (your bodily awareness) and any potential alexithymia ("emotional blindness") as well.

I call this tool or system N.A.P.S.S.

Please feel free to download, use and share but please credit me if sharing my work and not remove my copyright 'stamp'. Thank you.