Post-Identification Support Session (2)

What is a post-identification support session and what can you expect from doing one with me - read on...

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Meet... Octy...?

Creating your own business - designs, colours, logos and having fun! Meet my new business maskot - but wait, they need a name!

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New Year - Same Me!

It's that time of year again where we put our reflective hats on and make plans for the year ahead... but why?

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Winter Break and Christmas Ponderings

A short personal and reflective post on winter, Christmas and taking a break...

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Telling Others I'm Autistic (Disclosure)

You've realised later in life that you're autistic and you'd like to tell others... or do you? How would you even go about doing that? And why does the word 'disclosure' feel so heavy? And what if the people you tell end up having a disappointing reaction?

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The Deficit Model - Part 2

I've already written one blog post about the deficit model - this is part 2 and how this model/way of thinking about autism permeates our understanding of autism, maintaining stereotypes but worse, cementing our internal ableism as autistic people.

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The Deficit Model - Part 1

What is the deficit model? And why are the things listed in it considered deficits? Who made that choice and based on what?

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What Happens If I Have a Session Booked and I'm Having a Bad Day?

It can be really tricky with booking sessions in advance when not knowing how you're going to feel on any given day. Perhaps you don't have any energy that day or you're feeling non-verbal or non-speaking and then what when there's a cancellation policy?

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Why I'm Not an Expert

The white, older male - the expert - and why that's totally not me or what I stand for or what I can offer you! (part of the 'bad therapist marketing' series)

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What Does 'Neuro-Affirmative' Mean? And Why Words Matter.

As part of the Human's Rights Movement, there's the Neurodivergent Movement and as part of that we have the Neuro-affirmative movement - but what does all of that mean?

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What Does a 'Post-Identification Support Session' Entail?

Once you've realised that you're autistic you might have a lot of questions. Oddly, it seems people have even more questions and confusion after it's been confirmed by a clinical professional. I offer a support session for people on this new journey - but what does that entail?

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Working with Me - What to Expect

I'm a therapeutic coach and mentor, working in an eclectic, neuro-affirmative, strength-based and compassion-focused way, using psychoeducational means - but what exactly does all of that mean?

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